Use the GCC manual to verify which extensions are supported in which versions of the standard ( see Resources for a link). 可以通过GCC手册查看哪个标准版本支持哪些扩展(见参考资料中的链接)。
Click on the manual test case link first. 首先点击手动测试用例连接。
More information about C preprocessor macro programming is available in the CPP manual ( see the Resources section for a link). 更多有关C预处理器宏编程的内容可以在CPP手册中看到(请参阅参考资料一节中的链接)。
You can read more about all the available extensions for both C and C++ in the GNU GCC manual ( see Resources for a link). 可以通过GNUGCC手册进一步了解针对C和C++语言的所有扩展(见参考资料中的链接)。
Trigger sources include manual ( front panel button), IEEE-488 bus, Trigger Link, internal timer, and external trigger. 触发源包括手动(从面板按钮)、IEEE-488总线、TriggerLink接口、内部时钟和外部触发。
With the use the system, the amount of stockpiled coal can be calculated through direct processing of the data obtained from traverse survey. Hence the accuracy is much enhanced and the process is speeded up due to absence of intermediate manual calculation link. 本系统对现场观测的煤堆导线观测数据直接进行处理,算出落地煤量,减少了手工计算的中间环节,提高了煤量计算的精度和速度。
The type of knowledge element, indexing rule, knowledge element extraction with manual work and software, modification of knowledge element, representation of object of knowledge element, link of knowledge element are tested in this paper. 对文本知识元类型,标引规则,人工知识元抽取,软件知识元抽取,人工知识元修改,知识元面向对象表示,知识元对象链接等进行了分析和试验。
System to meet the networking needs of the collection of gas costs the business to achieve real-time transmission of data between systems, reducing the manual link, eliminating the potential risks of funds, improve the business management level. 系统满足了联网代收燃气费的业务需求,实现了系统间数据的实时传输,减少了手工操作环节,消除了资金风险隐患,提高了业务管理水平。
The traditional crafts process design use the manual operation, so it difficult to ensure the accuracy of the data and information share, so it has become the weak link in the product development. 传统的工艺过程设计使用手工操作方式,难以保证数据的准确性,并且信息共享困难,已成为产品开发的薄弱环节。
The original manual processing operation, can not meet the needs of the development of the current, the manual on a lot of data processing, easy to produce errors, for query and maintenance very inconvenience, nature will affect work efficiency and teaching link. 原始手工处理操作,已无法适应目前发展的需要,手工在对大量数据进行处理时,容易产生错误,对于查询和维护非常不便,自然就会影响工作效率和教学环节。